Arquitectura & Ingeniería
A partir de la Ingravidez de nuestro pensamiento ilimitado generamos ideas y conceptos. Aprovechamos herramientas tecnológicas, aplicamos principios sostenibles y convertimos nuestra imaginación en gravidez real: diseñamos lo que pensamos.

Raúl Tinoco. CEO Ingravitto
Nuestros clientes y aliados

Somos una empresa asociada al Grupo Español para el Crecimiento Verde (GECV), además de ser sus representantes en el Observatorio 2030 del Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España. Esta participación refuerza nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la innovación en el sector de la arquitectura y el urbanismo.

¡El futuro es Ahora!
Ingravitto es la empresa líder a nivel nacional en DESCARBONIZACIÓN de edificios, con mas de 180,000m² de superficie descarbonizada y una reducción de más de 6,000 toneladas de CO² al año en emisiones a la atmosfera.


Over more than two decades, INGRAVITTO has left its mark on a wide range of projects, ranging from the most meticulous attention to architectural details to large-scale urban interventions. Each work, conceived under a precise executive vision, has been guided by the principles of social and environmental responsibility. As the years have passed, both INGRAVITTO and its technical directors have cultivated and expanded their knowledge and experience, thus forging a company that stands as a reference in the national field of Asset and Architectural Management, with international projection.
Over more than two decades, INGRAVITTO has left its mark on a wide range of projects, ranging from the most meticulous attention to architectural details to large-scale urban interventions. Each work, conceived under a precise executive vision, has been guided by the principles of social and environmental responsibility. As the years have passed, both INGRAVITTO and its technical directors have cultivated and expanded their knowledge and experience, thus forging a company that stands as a reference in the national field of Asset and Architectural Management, with international projection.

Presentación por parte de Raúl Tinoco del Centro de Investigación Universitaria, CIU3, Sevilla. Dia de la Inauguración

Endesa offices in Seville
Borbolla Building
Masterplan Urbanistico
Alcácer do Sal,
Green Paradise & Ressort
Praia da Comporta, Portugal

López Real Inversiones Offices

Complejo Residencial Torre de Yute

Interior design and decoration
Residential complex 45 homes
The construction work of the Innovation Centre project, which was the subject of a competition which we won first prize in, is nearly finished. It has been a complete challenge to conceive and build it.
It has some important foundation conditions, and prefabricated elements have also been used for the structure and enclosure.

Ingravitto is made up by a large multidisciplinary and multigenerational team with more than 20 members, with a clear philosophy and some definite objectives to follow in order to keep working in the field of sustainability, architecture, engineering and management. It is absolute for us that the success of our way of working consists of combining experience, youth, and hard work.